vue.js-Vue绑定有时会在字符串周围加上“\”\“”,但v-html让它总是说Object object?
我正在尝试制作一个问答游戏,在得到随机播放的答案后,它们有时会被"\" \""标记包围。仅显示正确答案时,不会有这些标记。我试过使用通常可以解决这个问题的 v-html,但是所有的答案都是[Object object]. 我曾尝试尝试使用 [0] [2] 等检索数组和对象的一部分,但这也不起作用。
Style binded so that if that button is selected, the background colour of the button will change. Colour is a variable changed when answer is checked -->
<button class="answer" :disabled="answered" @click="checkAnswer(shuffled[0])" :style="selected == shuffled[0].value && {backgroundColor: colour}">{{shuffled[0]}}</button>
<button class="answer" :disabled="answered" @click="checkAnswer(shuffled[1])" :style="selected == shuffled[1].value && {backgroundColor: colour}">{{shuffled[1]}}</button>
<button class="answer" :disabled="answered" @click="checkAnswer(shuffled[2])" :style="selected == shuffled[2].value && {backgroundColor: colour}">{{shuffled[2]}}</button>
<button class="answer" :disabled="answered" @click="checkAnswer(shuffled[3])" :style="selected == shuffled[3].value && {backgroundColor: colour}">{{shuffled[3]}}</button>
<!-- Button running function to end game with parameters of current correctCount and totalQuestions -->
<button type="button" @click="finish(correctCount, totalQuestions)" class="btn button done">Finish</button> <div class="correct"><p v-if="answered"><strong>Correct Answer:</strong> {{correctAnswer}}</p></div><button type="button" :disabled="!nextAvailable" @click="getQ(selectedDifficulty)" @click="shuffle(options)" class="btn button next">Next</button>
<!-- Button which is disabled when a question loads and runs functions to shuffle the answers and get a new question -->
<p><strong>Correct Answer: </strong>{{correctAnswer}}</p>
let getQ = async function() {
let response = await fetchURL('®ion=AU'); // api source link
this.correctAnswer = response[0].correctAnswer;
this.incorrectAnswerOne = response[0].incorrectAnswers[0];
this.incorrectAnswerTwo = response[0].incorrectAnswers[1];
this.incorrectAnswerThree = response[0].incorrectAnswers[2];
this.question = response[0].question;
this.shuffle(options); // shuffles the answers in options variable
this.answered = false; // resets the disabled buttons
this.nextAvailable = false; // disables 'next' button
this.totalQuestions++; // increases number of total questions
// function to shuffle the answers
let shuffle = function(array) {
this.selected = null; // resets selected variable
let num = array.length, t, raInt;
// while there are remaining elements to shuffle
while (num) {
// choose random
raInt = Math.floor(Math.random() * num--);
// swap with current element
t = array[num]
array[num] = array[raInt];
array[raInt] = t;
this.shuffled = array.value; // saves to shuffled variable
有一些错误消息,但我不太确定它们的含义: 在此处输入图像描述